Sunday, July 13, 2008
Am I a sock puppet?
Some have labeled this a "sock puppet" site. If you want to label someone who would have voted for Hillary Clinton for President before the Democratic Party was hijacked by over-the-cliff Obamaoids, then so be it -- I am now for a McCain/Palin ticket! (So I guess you could now call me a proud "sock puppet" for McCain.)
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Since there seems to be no pretense that the puppet is a third party who is not affiliated with the puppeteer, this is NOT a "sock puppet" site in any case.
I've always thought that one of the real virtues of Democrats have been their embrace of freedom of thought. There's that famous Will Rogers quote about not belonging to an organized party.
I find it really disconcerting to hear people saying that your willingness to vote for McCain is proof that you are not a "true" Democrat, having been (at best) swayed from the "correct" party.
But I do wonder: are there other PUMA'S reading this blog? So far, it seems like all the comments are from us members of the party of Satan (and mostly Palin fans at that) and Democrats who believe the Correct Party is more important than life itself.
"sock-puppet"...I dont know, who really cares...what matters is that as I browse the net for sites like this one...I find several common threads. The worst of which is moderation, as in the little people who check your comment before it is posted. Anytime I make a good point, or just completely humiliate someone who said something ignorant by providing facts to the contrary....the post is deleted...LOL... Here? no, not yet anyway. However, as I have said has nothing to do with party unity or whatever...the fact is, even as much as many try to deny, 90% of PUMAs are HRC supporters that feel "cheated"....but, if you supported HRC, on the issues, then you really supported Obama at about a 85% clip anyway, they had few real differences. Whereas HRC only had the silliest idea ever in common (gas tax holiday). So, to me, anyone who was an HRC supporter, that can turn around and vote for a Republican (and yes, not voting is just the same as voting against Obama), was never about issues, or democracy, they were just about HRCs last name, the fact she is a woman, and/or that at least she isnt black. And to me, thats not a good thing for a registered voter to do.
"sock-puppet"...I dont know, who really cares...what matters is that as I browse the net for sites like this one...I find several common threads. The worst of which is moderation, as in the little people who check your comment before it is posted. Anytime I make a good point, or just completely humiliate someone who said something ignorant by providing facts to the contrary....the post is deleted...LOL... Here? no, not yet anyway. However, as I have said has nothing to do with party unity or whatever...the fact is, even as much as many try to deny, 90% of PUMAs are HRC supporters that feel "cheated"....but, if you supported HRC, on the issues, then you really supported Obama at about a 85% clip anyway, they had few real differences. Whereas HRC and McCain only had the silliest idea ever in common (gas tax holiday). So, to me, anyone who was an HRC supporter, that can turn around and vote for a Republican (and yes, not voting is just the same as voting against Obama), was never about issues, or democracy, they were just about HRCs last name, the fact she is a woman, and/or that at least she isnt black. And to me, thats not a good thing for a registered voter to do.
commensenschris, you make some good points, on which I'll comment.
Clearly not all -- far from most -- former Hillary voters or PUMA's are supporting Palin. The point is a certain (significant) percentage of those voters will be shaved off and be attracted to and vote for McCain and, an even larger percentage of them, will vote for McCain/Palin -- but again, not a majority of them, but clearly enough to make a difference in the election. Criticize them as you want for being not committed to political philosophy or not die-hard Democrats, but they exist, and will be attracted to the pizzazz that Palin brings.
Secondly, the name of this site is "puma4palin", not "pumas4palin", it just represents the views of THIS puma (and I have talked to a number of others who feel the same as I do).
Third, some number of pumas are reluctant to support McCain/Palin, albeit they say and likely will vote for McCain as they simply won't vote for Obama (not a racial thing in most cases, it's just they can't stand Obama's self-centered arrogance, lack of experience, obvious political calculations to say anything, and manipulations of the DNC against Hillary). I do pose, however, that their reluctance on Palin is that they know (intuitively know) that Palin alters the future dynamics of the GOP making the GOP the majority party of this and the next generation, whereas, many or most PUMAS see themselves voting against the Dems in this election only, hoping to take control of the Dem party after that. They fear that with Palin, it will be very very hard for the Democratic party to come back to a majority.
well, I am sure that you beleive that your puma site is different than other puma sites...but, trust me, it isnt..Ive been there. And none of you existed until it became obvious that HRC wasnt gonna beat Barack Obama. So, at the end of the day, criticisms aside....these HRC supporters, were gonna put someone in the whitehouse that is gonna do alot of the same things Obama is gonna do (bet you just heard about HRC changing her FISA vote to trip up Obama)and she did not vote to, that tells me that HRC supporters werent electing a presidency of policies and changes....they were simply looking for a woman president. It is the only thing that makes any sense, especially if they are so suddenly supportive of McCain, and that much more so if he runs with a "skirt" as his VP. PUMas motives are as clear as day and it is quite pathetic to watch them try to pass themselves off as anthing but a combination of racist / feminist / hypocritical / attention-wh**es
commonsensechris, where do you come off with this "racist" allegation just because people like me don't want Obama to be President or didn't want Obama to be the candidate of the Democratic Party???
Dinah, where do you come off trying to explain what you really think? Don't you think a blog commenter who has never met you but read plenty of blogs by PUMAs would have a better idea about what's going on in your mind than you do? Trust commonsensechris. He knows PUMAs & they're all alike, even those who think they're different. They're ALL "racist / feminist / hypocritical / attention-wh**es," whereas commonsensechris is … um … well, he's the one trying to take pity on all you pathetic PUMAs.
Remember: "none of you existed until it became obvious that HRC wasnt gonna beat Barack Obama." It's so true. People who prefer Hillary over McCain over Obama didn't start supporting McCain until Hillary was out of the running. Doesn't that tell you something?
At least I think that's right. I don't think I've exaggerated, there.
So, what if it is not Palin, but Romney?
It's puma 4 palin, NOT puma 4 romney.
No, I won't vote for McCain if it's McCain/Romney.
Fortunately, based upon everything I've read, seen, and heard recently, it will NOT be Romney. Rather, it WILL be Sarah Palin!
Dinah, out of curiousity, what do you think of Bobby Jindal? It seems like a lot of people who like one like the other. But so far I'm working off a fairly small sample, all Republicans. I don't mean, "Would you vote for a McCain/Jindal ticket?" I just wonder what your general impression is of the guy.
Where are you reading all this Palin might actually get the VEEP spot? Do tell!
I had actually heard it could possibly be Romney.
I say... It's your Blog! You don't have to conform to anyone.. That is what makes America so great!!
God Bless America!
p4p, are you still around?
If so, what did you think of the HRC speech tonight at the DNC convention?
After last night, I AM back!!!!
So you are voting Obama?? (huh?)
If you were really for Hillary and the views and policies she advocated (which I suspect you weren't) there is no way you can be for Palin.
She is anti-choice for everything except the life of the mother, against stem cell research, anti-domestic partner rights and much more.
Source ->
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