Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Senator McCain: IT'S NOW OR NEVER!!!

Carpe Diem!


Anonymous said...

After Hillary's speech last night, DITTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SMatthewStolte said...

What did you hear in her speech? I just heard a very good speech for a generic Democratic candidate.

Carlos Echevarria said...

Palin truly is the one; she would radically alter the dynamics of this race and easily put Mac over the top in November...

SMatthewStolte said...

Well, what are your thoughts, PUMA?

Logistics Monster said...

Ted? I am hoping this is the same place as the Ted that left a comment on my blog back at the end of June. You mentioned Palin then and I had already been researching her.

Congratulations and I am delighted that she was chosen AND accepted. I had to move my blog to wordpress for better security because of the obamanation. Stop by sometime...

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm actually hoping for a McCain/Palin win, just so I can laugh my ass off at how you pathetic PUMA'S will react when Roe v. Wade eventually gets overturned. So who's the "sexist" now, twits?

And I'm not even an Obama fan myself.