As a 56 year old married mother of 2, professionally employed, life long Democrat, and formerly Hillary Clinton supporter, there is absolutely no way I could, or would, ever vote for Barack Obama as President of the United States. Aside from the Democratic party applying a primary vote counting methodology which unfairly precluded Hillary Clinton from her rightful spot as Party candidate for President, Barack Obama is completely unqualified for the position he seeks. Since I still want to participate in the politial process and find that Senator McCain possesses many fine qualities and has put considerable effort into bridging the gap between the GOP and the Democratic Party, I have been intending to vote for President McCain in November -- albeit with some reservations, being a life-long Democrat.
However, my initial cautious embracing of a Republican candidate for President is turning into enthusiastic support, now -- as I learn of the increasing likelihood that Senator McCain may choose as his VP running-mate, a truly remarkable woman -- Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Therefore, as a PUMA a/k/a "Party Unity My Ass" devotee, I am inaugurating this site to spread the word among other PUMA's. Thank you for your participation. Dinah
Friday, July 4, 2008
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I agree. It seems that with Governor Palin, Senator McCain not only will bridge the gap to moderate and independent women voters, he'll bridge the gap to his conservative base.
Hey, I just wanted to drop a note and say that I understand the anger I sense in your post. I totally believe Hillary was robbed... I could denote every single reason here, but it would clog your post.She was ROBBBBBBBED! And what we could have accomplished with her at the helm has been robbed as well.
She should be our candidate and almost daily, I am either angry or saddened. I want to get over it, but its not easy when you KNOW who is the right person for the job.
However, as a life-long democrat myself, I could never EVER vote for a man like McCain who seems to want to continue in the vein of Bush on too many issues.
Does it bother me that Obama seemed to get a free ride due to his good looks, eloquence, and dare I say, race? Yes, it does. What I fear most is that his inexperience might actually cost us a democrat in office after what Bush has done to our country.
I would love to see a black man in the White House and his daughters playing on the lawn... but not if it means shitting all over the more experienced, better candidate.
But... out she is... shit on she was... so, although I sorta wish I could bring myself to switch over, I would DIE before I would vote Republican. Their lack of principles bother me worse than our democratic candidate.
Thanks for sharing your ideas... I felt so alone. And now, I don't.
Hi k, I can appreciate how you feel about not switching over to the GOP. I have thought long and hard, and I'm sure many will come to differing conclusions. For me, I have two daughters and I want them to grow up in a nation where a woman can be Vice President, and then President. I'd like to see it in MY lifetime too.
Political parties change over time, but I feel that the precedent of finally having a woman in the White House, especially when that woman, Governor Palin, seems so capable in her own right, will mean so much to furthering a society which is fair to both genders.
Perhaps this way, also, women can have some more influence on the direction of the Republican Party.
GREAT SITE! It's fantastic to see PUMAs coming on board with the Palin movement. We've always said that Palin has the broadest possible base among Republicans...and now even that is proving to be an understatement (now she just has the broadest possible base...period).
Keep up the good work and keep in touch.
Adam Brickley
Founder, "Draft Sarah Palin for Vice President"
I do understand. And its ironic. We had the chance to have a woman be PRESIDENT... not just vice. She earned it. And instead, they go with the younger guy. So figures. Our world is so male entitled.
And I so hear you. I want a woman in there so badly... but I want the issues more. I would rather have universal health care than not have it. I would rather have abortion rights for all our daughters than not have it. I would rather end the tax breaks for the rich while the poor and the middle class get poorer. I would rather see real education reform than more of the same failed education policies.
The bottom line is that the Republican party does not have women's best interest at heart. They may embrace people who feel like we do over Hillary's loss, but only so they can get *their* guy in there. Then, we get the same philosophy and principals that governed the last horrible 8 years.
I respect your opinion and certainly respect where it comes from... just keep an open mind and decide over the next few months which candidate and party will work harder to serve your daughters.
PS... what will you do if Obama does choose Hillary as his Vice?
I don't want a candidate that cares ONLY for daughters. I want a candidate that cares for BOTH sons and daughters.
Sarah Palin is solid gold and will represent the interests of you and your daughters and me and my son.
K McK, let me respond to some of your points:
1. 'Universal' health care -- the solution is LESS government, not MORE, and certainly not a Government take-over of an additional 1/5th of our economy (socialism doesn't work). We don't want to replace the best health care in the world with long lines, shortages of services, and government dictates as to who can get treatment, what kind, when, where, and by whom. Instead, simply get rid of the tax laws which favor and subsidize employer/insurance provided health insurance, now tremendously driving up prices and making medical costs out of reach to those who select less insurance.
2. Education 'reform' -- simply lessen the power of the teachers unions to allow school choice and vouchers which will allow schools to compete for what the parents' really want and at lower cost.
3. Abortion rights -- simply leave those laws to the states, where most states will allow abortions under more or less conditions anyway (but "abortion" NEVER should have become a federal government issue of national contention).
4. To the extent goods and services and regulations come from the federal government (as you seem to want), the role, responsibility and freedoms of the individual and family are lessened. Have the laws encourage strong and viable family units, rather than undermine them through a perverse sort of financial incentives -- hurting the poorest the most.
6. And, finally, don't tax to death the golden goose which is our uniquely strong American capitalistic society, because Government does not produce, it merely redistributes what others produce. Don't over-penalize those who create most of the jobs.
K mcK, please educate yourself on these issues and don't always believe the main stream media mantra of "Democrats-Good, Republicans-Bad".
k, frankly I'm so disappointed that Hillary has now "endorsed" Obama for President, that I don't know what I'd do. But I do know it would be very very hard to accept the much better qualified and experienced Hillary serving under the utterly unqualified Obama, who recently has abandoned all his own campaign positions -- and thus stands for nothing but his own quest for power.
Ted, you left out #5.
OK, #5 is this:
Adam Brickley's site says it all, especially the comments accompanying signatures from people across America:
And while you're at it, why don't you all join the republic party where only 23% of the nation supports. You'll be winners for sure! LOL
It will be nice to say in January 2009, "Johnny McTeleprompter won George Bush's 3rd term and will continue the war, will do away with a woman's right to choose, and will be as secretive and as criminal as Bush...and we will have the RNC and the Hillary supporters to blame for it!".
Thank you. I will have a clear mind in January 2009 because I'm rational.
By the way, why is Hillary wanting a black man to pay off her campaign debt when she has 18 million supporters who would die for her? Why don't they give $1 each to pay it off? Oh that's right! Hillary supporters are not givers. The End.
Funny how Ted's fangs come out once he realizes you cannot take the democrat out of this girl!
Ok, Teddy, you just proved one of the multitude of reasons I would never go for a REEP. You are virtually all arrogant and patronizing as your note to me suggests. Just because someone disagrees with you, does not mean they are less educated on the subject. It simply means you are not the final word, and she does not agree.
It will be hard to keep this simple, but I will try. I think you need things simple.
1) Health care: all of us deserve health care. If our system leaves out huge % of our population and is full of red tape, its not perfect, so stop acting like it is. I have phenomenal coverage and I would give up a few pluses here and there if it meant the kid down the block with an ear infection or his mom's heart problem could be addressed. Democrats care about people besides themselves you see. But as a Republican, you probably cannot relate.
Your line about long lines and who decides what is antiquated. Canada and England have universal health care and they do not have any of the doomsday problems you describe. Other countries treat their citizens better than we do, and its time that changes.
2. Education: Its always the unions fault in the mind of a REEP. Classic. We need to explore what all can be done for our schools without a voucher system which would cram some schools too full and close down others. We certainly do not need to test kids to death, making them learn only what a bureaucrat deems important.
3. How would you know what hurts the poor? Only in a REEP's mind could people work 3 jobs and you still do not want to give them any assistance. I bet you loved what George Bush had to say about Americans working so many jobs and still not making it. "Its uniquely American." If our citizens are responsible and working to support their families, it is immoral for them to not be able to survive. Period.
4. Abortion Rights: Simply leave the issue to the states? Yeah, right. That is a because many states would inevitably overturn abortion rights and that is what many REEPs want. No, every female should be afforded the same reproductive rights as her sister in the next state. Abortion should be available and affordable and if a state outlaws it, women have to travel to other states creating unnecessary hardship and costs. The title of our country is the UNITED states, so we should be united in what we offer and provide for our citizens. If you do not like abortion, do not have one, but allow women to control what happens to their bodies and their lives.
5.Taxes. I am so tired of hearing the wealthiest among us cry about their wealth. Boo hoo. If you live in a country that allows you to make a profitable existence, then you must pay for such a luxury. You know, "you don't get something for nothing," and that adage applies to those with money as well. This capitalistic society has allowed some to accrue mass wealth, and they should have to pay back into the system which has afforded them such opportunities.
I cannot believe that people would rather buy their 4th car and buy extra rooms in mansions they do not need while others starve to death and freeze in the streets. What is wrong with people? More, more, more... ME, ME, ME... its pathetic how selfish we have become.
I know a man who owns a grocery store in a small town not far from me. He is about to buy a house for over $700,000 while a cashier who works for him 40 hours a week has missing teeth, no car, and can barely afford the groceries at his fucking store. Yet, you expect me to admire and respect that HE provides jobs for others. Give me a break, Ted.
This conversation further highlights why I would never vote for a Repugnant. I may want a woman in the White House, but not to the detriment of humanity.
Now, Ted, Ole boy, maybe you should go educate yourself in how to be a decent, compassionate man. Moreover, you could learn a thing or two about the art of debate.
Toodles, K
Tom C,
I have two sons and one daughter and I want a president who looks out for all my children as well as all children.
I refered to daughters specifically in response to Puma's initial post and because when it comes to some issues, no one is taking a thing away from boys.
My belief is that a democrat looks out for all children and a republican looks out for wealthy white children, mostly boys... and girls only if they know their place.
You and other Obama-ites like you are why so many HIllary supporters refuse to support Obama.
Please, calm down and reach out, before you do more harm. We need a democrat in office, not another REEP.
Switching from Hillary to McCain is a deeply saddening move. Why support a candidate who stands for so much that Clinton bravely opposed?
Whoa, time to get back to some common sense and facts.
Republicans and Independents want healthcare for all Americans.
The poor in American get their healthcare paid for. It’s called Medicaid and under Bush it grew and grew. I do St. Vincent de Paul work in Huntsville, Alabama and NONE of my clients have to pay for healthcare because the federal government through Medicaid takes great care of them. Those that do not have insurance either don’t have it by choice because a spouse has coverage for them, they choose not to get it, or and this is important, they are part of what is called the working poor, people who because they work rather than go on welfare do not qualify for Medicaid. That is the problem we need to work on and make it easier to make insurance portable. Also, to help with the increasing demand, we need to recruit more people to the healthcare industry to supply the increasing demand for healthcare. The systems in Canada and UK do a poor job on the service side. I know this cause I talk to people in Canada and my coworkers in Ireland. Anything that is unusual, they wait and wait and wait, and it becomes more of a rationing system. Their systems would be a disaster in a country like ours. This industry is very complicated, and to get insurance to those that don’t have it will take creativity, hard work, and leadership not bitching and moaning and sitting around blogging on the net. We have already seen what the “throwing money at the problem” does and what happens when government trys to control it all, it just doesn’t work.
To alleviate the problem, do YOU do anything about it? Or, are you like most liberals who talk about compassion but don’t do a damn thing about it. My father gives blood once per month, and he’s a former Truman/JFK Democrat who now is an “evil” Republican.
Or, take my sister and my mother who spent hours and days helping my gay uncle who got AIDS while he withered away to nothing. Those hours and days don’t show up on the scorecard I guess, so I guess they are “evil” Republicans too. Have you ever worked at a hospice? You want to teach your kids well, be a volunteer. You’d be amazed at what good you can do for people who are REALLY suffering and create a great example for your kids of service, selflessness, and example by stopping the whining, pick up the Cross and help your fellow man.
Other countries for the most part DO NOT treat their citizens better. I’ve been to Mexico (real Mexico, not the resorts the wealthy people hang out at) on numerous occasions and let me tell you our poor get fantastic healthcare compared to the care they get there. My brother is married to a Mexicana, and he knows the healthcare is better in the USA. One reason he has her and his two boys living in the USA.
Regarding education, IT IS the teachers’ unions fault. I know. My father taught in the Palo Alto, CA High School District for over 30 years and had to put up with all the corruption, leftist politics, use of union dues for leftist causes like abortion, and absolutely NO attempt at meaningful reform. And, this is where the money flowed in mountains being in one of the most affluent areas of the country. After my father got fed up with having his union dues kill babies, he got a lawyer and threatened a lawsuit that claimed they shouldn’t be using his dues for anything other than collective bargaining. So they agreed to let him donate his portion of his dues not related to charity. So, he then directed that portion of his dues to a charity that helps alcoholic priests in New York. But guess what? The totalitarian tyrants said he couldn’t do that because of ‘separation of church and state’ which is ridiculous. Yes, can’t help those alcoholic priests, it just might cause the entire country to go Catholic. He fought them further and finally they backed off.
We’ve already explored reform ideas and the only one that works and has shown results (especially in the inner-cities) is school choice or voucher programs. Many of these programs are successes in our inner-cities, especially servicing the poorer African-American neighborhoods. But guess what, the Dems are now trying to shut down these programs despite overwhelming support from those children’s parents, while of course all those Dems who are very rich send their kids to upscale private schools. Ask yourself this, Mrs. Public School: Where does Obama send his kids? Yah, they really care, condemning the poor to crap schools while they kill any attempts to reform and help the poor.
By the way, tests do provide some assessment of progress, and guess what? Those tests on academics of kids from the inner-city voucher programs confirm they do better.
How do I know what hurt’s the poor? I walk the St. Vincent de Paul beat in Huntsville, AL. I’m in the trenches where you upscale whites talk compassion and do nothing.
I’ll tell you what hurts my clients. Welfare where they have incentives to have another child out-of-wedlock to get Section 8 HUGE discounts to rent or not have to pay rent at all, free medical care via Medicaid, foodstamps and a whole lot of other freebies. Why are they poor? What hurts them? They get hardly any child support at all, the number one cause. The government’s policies have destroyed most of these families, and when the family goes, the poverty sets in and once they start the welfare, the stay on it because it is all they know.
But you know what, I love them. I help them because I know that not all of their poverty is due to their poor decisions and it is not me to question the whys but to pick up the Cross and help them. Most of the boys never never have ANY fatherly or healthy men in their lives. My Dad’s parents divorced when he was a baby, but he had the Church to help him and his alcoholic mother. Good men who taught boys how to grow up and think of others and be strong. That support is not there for most poor neighborhoods. Why, the government destroying families with their foolish programs that were designed not to help the poor back on their feet but to keep them dependent and make their promoters feel good about themselves. Thanks but no thanks. Just get out of our way and we’ll do the work, just don’t keep making it worse. Welfare is like crack for those I serve.
The “uniquely American” remark of yours is preposterous. Wanna come with me to Mexico and see how hard you have to work there for so little? Why do think immigrants come from Latin America to the USA? Do you think for a minute they would be here if they could survive in their home country. My God, what liberal sources do you get your lies from?
To fight poverty, you have to emphasize strengthening of families, and open up choice on education so their kids get a chance.
States would certainly write up abortion laws and have them ready to pull out and vote on as soon as the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade. It would simply go back to the states and the vast majority of states would allow it in some form or another via the 10th Amendment. Yes, there would be some states that would tighten restrictions, but we’d still have over a million murdered babies anyway. At least the issue would reside in the state legislatures where it belongs in the absence of federal legislation.
Do you even know what an abortion is? Google “Silent Scream Youtube” and watch the whole thing. Get educated.
Obama believes that babies who survive abortion should be killed by leaving them crying outside the room and tossing them in a bucket to wimper the last of their lives. He is for outright infanticide. Google “Obama infanticide” if you don’t believe me.
And another thing, don’t be using the government to finance your abortions. I don’t wanna kill babies. You can do your own killings at your expense. I DO want to help the scared mother to understand ALL the choices and show her what an abortion really is. Chances are she will have the baby, love the baby, maybe put the baby up for adoption, but at least her baby gets a chance. When a baby cries when born, here is what they say: “I want to live. Please love me. Momma!” Let’s not make our young mothers killers with the illusion that abortion is the only option.
It’s a baby that needs your love, not a wart, not part of your body like a toe. The child is a human being. Love them AND the mother.
The so-called “rich” already pay practically all the individual income tax. Taxing them further serves nothing but depressing GNP, investment, and slows the economy down and hurts the poor, NOT the rich. You want proof, escort me on some of my visits those I work with.
You wanna help, lift the gax tax immediately. My people can’t buy gas because all these years the Dems would not allow us to do anything to address the supply end of energy. This does not hurt the rich, it is HAMMERING THE POOR!!. I got people that are now having trouble getting to the jobs they have.
You see K, you can afford gas, they can’t. And you don’t help them one bit by preaching all that global warming crap and not letting us look for energy.
K, very few people buy their 4th car and mansions
NOBODY starves in this country, although there are stories of some homeless people who have been caught outdoors in the winter.
What’s wrong with people? First of all there are LESS poor in this country per capita than ever. ME ME ME ME is all I get from the left. Pick up Arthur Brook’s book “Who Really Cares?”. Get educated on who really has compassion and is charitable. It ain’t the O-man’s rich secular campus pals.
What have YOU DONE to be less selfish? What? If you do help the poor, that’s great, but don’t use the government to exacerbate the problem. Convince your Dem pals to get off their butts and really get in the trenches and love your neighbor. Talk is so cheap. Volunteer at a charity that helps the poor get their utility bills paid.
Get your soft hands dirty and pitch in, and stop talking about it and do something about it.
There you go focusing on the grocer who pays taxes and provides jobs. Do you know if he is a Republican? Maybe not.
But, that’s your chance to jump in and lend a hand. The Cross is being placed at your feet and you are not responding. Invite that employee over for dinner, or offer to help some other way. Give them a ride in your car. Just because somebody else doesn’t pitch in, doesn’t mean you do nothing. Your just as bad as them now. And the Dems policy of high gas prices will make sure he never can buy gas.
Do you even know any Republicans? I think not. You’ve been dupped for so long, and yes I see in your profile what you read, watch, etc. and boy does it explain a lot.
I see the damage to humanity more than you do, and most of it is the Dems and their good-intentioned but devastating policies.
Did you know that under Bush, welfare, education, AIDS, and other discretionary spending went way up faster than it did during Bill Clinton’s administration? No, cause you didn’t do your homework. You believe every lie told to you in the MSM.
One thing I do know, you talk compassion, but you ain’t compassionate. I don’t know about Ted’s debate skills, but you are a sanctimonious leftist that appears to NOT walk the walk.
If you DO walk the walk more power to you and good luck.
But dont' you ever lie about Republicans not caring. We not only care, we walk the walk 30% more than you guys with 6% less income. Yes, read the book I recommended. It will open up much in your world.
Thanks for proving my point about patronizing, arrogant Republicans, Tom. Yeah, now I can rest.
And, the audacity of someone who does not know one thing I have ever done in my life to say I have done nothing... wow, god-like ability you must have to know me when you don't know shit.
You say you help others and I am glad you do, but you talk as if you resent and detest them. How lowly they are with their "bad decisions"... how lucky they are to have you.
You don't know me and I, for one, am grateful.
Read Ted and Tom... really read them.
Is it worth it?
If you really have been a life-long dem, and this is not some fake site, I think you know the answer.
k, yah Ted and Tom, albeit they may have been trying to answer you, have taken this thread considerably beyond what I wanted to address, that being the merits of Sarah Palin. At any rate, I know that Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin are each far more qualified than Barack Obama. I would hope Gov. Palin can be judged on her own accomplishments, one of them being cleaning up Republican corruption going on in Alaska. Hopefully she can help clean up things in the Republican party which we don't like, at least making it a viable alternative for this November's election since Obama seems to be taking the Democratic Party over the cliff. And, of course, I still feel that the benefit to our country of having a woman VP would be monumental!
Puma, I'm also one of those awful Republicans, but I still want to express my appreciation for this site.
When Mitt Romney was running his campaign, I just kept saying to my friends that I had too much faith in the American people to believe they would elect someone who seemed so obviously unprincipled. If he had won the nomination, I would have voted for a Democrat even if I thought he or she had all the wrong principles — because I think they both have principles (Obama included, although he's less convincing these days, so maybe not).
Not having really vested any emotional energy in the Democratic nomination process, I can't say I have the same ill feelings for Barack Obama.
But I do think that even a good liberal who looks at Palin's record will agree that she's proven herself honest, principled, and capable. I'm not saying this to convince k to vote for McCain. Vote your conscience, by all means.
Mostly, I just wanted to say thanks for the site, & I hope to see more postings from you (puma) on your perspective on Palin.
How bout this for Sarah Palin's theme song --
Sarah Palin didn't clean up Republican corruption in Alaska! The FBI did... during the primary before she was even elected!
Don't spread lies. It's a disservice to everyone.
Tom, KTUU Anchorage TV reported this:
"Palin called a special legislative session this fall in an effort to remove what she called the taint of corruption over PPT."
And read this from FOX news (Fred Barnes) about Sarah Palin
"JUNEAU, Alaska —
Her rise is a great (and rare) story of how adherence to principle--especially to transparency and accountability in government--can produce political success. And by the way, Palin is a conservative who only last month vetoed 13 percent of the state's proposed budget for capital projects. The cuts, the Anchorage Daily News said, "may be the biggest single-year line-item veto total in state history."
As recently as last year, Palin (pronounced pale-in) was a political outcast. She resigned in January 2004 as head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after complaining to the office of Governor Frank Murkowski and to state Attorney General Gregg Renkes about ethical violations by another commissioner, Randy Ruedrich, who was also Republican state chairman.
State law barred Palin from speaking out publicly about ethical violations and corruption. But she was vindicated later in 2004 when Ruedrich, who'd been reconfirmed as state chairman, agreed to pay a $12,000 fine for breaking state ethics laws. She became a hero in the eyes of the public and the press, and the bane of Republican leaders.
In 2005, she continued to take on the Republican establishment by joining Eric Croft, a Democrat, in lodging an ethics complaint against Renkes, who was not only attorney general but also a long-time adviser and campaign manager for Murkowski. The governor reprimanded Renkes and said the case was closed. It wasn't. Renkes resigned a few weeks later, and Palin was again hailed as a hero.
Palin, 43, the mother of four, passed up a chance to challenge Republican senator Lisa Murkowski, the then-governor's daughter, in 2004. She endorsed another candidate in the primary, but Murkowski won and was reelected. Palin said then that her 14-year-old son talked her out of running, though it's doubtful that was the sole reason.
In 2006, she didn't hesitate. She ran against Gov. Murkowski, who was seeking a second term despite sagging poll ratings, in the Republican primary. In a three-way race, Palin captured 51 percent and won in a landslide. She defeated former Democratic governor Tony Knowles in the general election, 49 percent to 41 percent. She was one of the few Republicans anywhere in the country to perform above expectations in 2006, an overwhelmingly Democratic year. Palin is unabashedly pro life.
With her emphasis on ethics and openness in government, "it turned out Palin caught the temper of the times perfectly," wrote Tom Kizzia of the Anchorage Daily News. She was also lucky. News broke of an FBI investigation of corruption by legislators between the primary and general elections. So far, three legislators have been indicted.
In the roughly three years since she quit as the state's chief regulator of the oil industry, Palin has crushed the Republican hierarchy (virtually all male) and nearly every other foe or critic. Political analysts in Alaska refer to the "body count" of Palin's rivals.
"The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who crossed Sarah," says pollster Dave Dittman, who worked for her gubernatorial campaign. It includes Ruedrich, Renkes, Murkowski, gubernatorial contenders John Binkley and Andrew Halcro, the three big oil companies in Alaska, and a section of the Daily News called "Voice of the Times," which was highly critical of Palin and is now defunct."
Click here to continue reading this article in The Weekly Standard
WOW, everywhere I go I am able to find this great kind of evidence that the vast majority of PUMAs are nothing but feminists who wouldve elected "Ellen" if she had run...its funny in that....pathetic way. It was a simple choice for I more racist, or more sexist? Apparently, we the voters, not the DNC, are more sexist than we are racist. The fact that HRC and her supporters wanted MI to stand with Obama getting zero of the 44% that were obviously votes for Obama under "no preference". But anyway, anyone who says that they were a Democrat 6 months ago, and now will be voting for McCain, is nothing but a fraud. Thanks for putting this site up and showing that...."hell hath no a little girl with a skinned knee"
Ted left me the link to this site on my blog, so I thought I'd check it out. But I have to say, while I respect all political views, or at least try to, I just simply can't reconcile voting for McCain-Palin (if that is the ticket) and also being a Hillary supporter.
Obviously, everyone has a right to vote for whom they wish, but it doesn't seem that voting for someone who is a member of a party which spent over a decade bashing Bill Clinton and Hillary- including during this election- is pro-Hillary in any way.
I understand being angry and I wish Hillary was going to be President, but I think another 8 years of republican rule will be disasterous and I have a hard time characterizing 4-8 more years of GOP rule, 'pro-hillary'.
And as for leaving abortion rights to the states, that's simply code for overruling Roe. we simply don't leave 'fundamental rights' to the states for a whole host of reasons.
Amen Stacy
You could say that Hillary was robbed, but that would be wrong. Obama had the majority of deligates. Besides why are you going to through a hissy fit and vote for a man that doesn't understand anything about the economy. If you love to pay taxes and not get any benifit from it then vote McCain. If you love to pay $4.00+ for gas and want the only solution to be drilling for more oil off shore (which will only increase profit margins of oil companies not drop the price of gas) the vote McCain. if none of you have noticed Hillary is backing Obama 100 Percent. She lost fair and square. Get over the fact that Obama Doesn't have a Vagina and start thinking.
I understand what you're saying, Stacy. But isn't it the case that McCain and Hillary are pretty friendly with each other? I'm just going off the comment Bill made awhile back:
"She and John McCain are very close … The always laugh that if they wound up being the nominees of their party, it would be the most civilized election in American history, and they're afraid they'd put the voters to sleep because they like and respect each other."
matthew, what does that matter...this has been pretty civil so far too......i dont need politicians that like each other...i need politicians that like me, us, and the US of A. I need politicians that know for a fact that fossil fuels are yesterday, history, and if we arent careful, we will be too. Whats funniest, is a politician is supposed to serve us....and the only person willing to serve the people, is the (half)black candidate
My point is not that anyone who supported Hillary must now support McCain but that one can have supported Hillary in the primaries & McCain today without being either intellectually dishonest or having had some sort of political conversion.
The point is not that you or Stacy should do this, but that the two are not irreconcilable. And I think the fact that it is possible for Hillary to respect McCain (and not merely like him) is evidence of this.
Another part of my point was in response to this (from Stacy): "… member of a party which spent over a decade bashing Bill Clinton and Hillary- including during this election."
Stacy's idea, here, if I understand it, is that, since Republicans in Congress and on the radio bashed the Clintons, one cannot simultaneously call oneself a Hillary supporter (over Obama) and a McCain supporter (over Obama). But the good terms between Hillary & McCain indicate that she does not hold McCain responsible for the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Lindsey Graham. She apparently distinguishes between the man & his party — which is not to say that McCain isn't a real Republican but to say that no individual is his party. I could apply the same criticism to k's point (July 5, 7pm), which I read to be saying that Ted & Tom's posts are bad enough to count as evidence against McCain, insofar as McCain is a member of both Ted & Tom's party.
One last thing. I find this sentence from you, commonsensechris, troubling, and I want to give you a chance to clarify yourself (I hope before someone else jumps to conclusions):
"Whats funniest, is a politician is supposed to serve us....and the only person willing to serve the people, is the (half)black candidate"
Why is it funny that a half-black candidate would be willing to serve the people? If I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, please let me know.
it's funny, as in in, you would think that a man with black in him may resist the idea of serving in what slaves used to do.
Obama has said and always does say he respects McCain...but that doesnt mean anything really. He and HRC both called him McBush, and 4 more years of the same etc etc...these are insults no matter how you put them. There is no logical way that any HRC supporter can say that McCain is the better option. especially when 90% of HRCs policy positions are right in line with Obama's. The only kind of person that can think that way, is a sore loser, feminist who merely wanted a skirt in the Oval Office (that wasnt under the desk) and is now soooo bitter about it, that vengeance will be thiers, damn the outcome.
I had this epiphany...while I would agree that it isnt likely that candidates come up with 100% of thier own speeches, slogans, or policy ideas...I have to say this....
It almost never seems, especially when the subject is the economy...that McCain had any input on the policy always seems like hes reading from a cue card and hasnt a clue what hes really saying. But, when Obama talks about the same issues, it really sounds like the were his ideas. Perhaps its just the fact that McCain is such a horrible speaker and Obama is sooo much better...but I dont think so.
consider this article from the Washington Post:
The claim is, essentially, that Bush has done as poorly as he has in part because he can't make up his mind about certain things, vacillates, etc. Now, never mind whether this is true for Bush. It's clear that someone could be anywhere on the political spectrum & suffer this vice of indecision. So too could a chronic liar be anywhere on the political spectrum. So too could a fantastic diplomat, a great negotiator, an honest man, etc.
I take all of these things into consideration when I decide who to support for President. I don't just take a look at their policies, and see if they match up with the policies I like. I also take a look at whether they have policies, whether I think they could be effective leaders. I think about what might happen in a standoff between the US and N Korea. Will this person be strong enough to deal with the crisis? Will this person be wise enough?
Making these judgments is necessarily subjective. You can look at the candidates' history, but, ultimately, you have to be able to say that I feel it in my bones that this candidate could handle whatever is thrown at him. If I have friends who think that Hillary & McCain can do this, but worry that Obama (like Kennedy) will return from a meeting with a communist dictator to say, "he beat the hell out of me," it would be disingenuous of me (to say the least) to say that this proves they are … ahem … "a sore loser, feminist who merely wanted a skirt in the Oval Office (that wasnt [sic] under the desk) and is now soooo bitter about it, that vengeance will be thiers [sic], damn the outcome."
(That's a remark, by the way, I most certainly condemn, as if anyone cared.)
I love how every year, JFK is immortalized in memory by the USA, seen as a great President in a great time...but now, all of the sudden, he was a failure? 13 days was probably the biggest vindication of what JFK really was...strong enough to stand up to the warmongering idiots that were conspiring against him to start a war for thier own justifications. It sickens me whenever people do this.....and condemn that statement by me? but not condemn blogs like her and others where they try to say Obamas middle name as much as possible? And try to say he isnt an American, he is also a muslim, oh yeah, with terrorist ties...LOL How anyone can say that they feel certain McSame and HRC could be "strong" in a warlike situation, but arent sure if Obama could, baffles me to the point that I begin to doubt if they can add 1+1
besides Matthew...right now, the biggest threat to the American way of not war of any miltary, with that in mind, I say lets take the guy who gets an A+ everywhere that is pertinent, and maybe a B- where it doesnt even matter. McCain would love for this election to be about military security...but it isnt. Period!!!
chris, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with the JFK thing. Kennedy’s Vienna summit with Nikita Khrushchev in 1961 was failure with devastating consequences for the people of East Berlin. Kennedy himself thought it was a failure. I didn't say anything about his Presidency as a whole. There are plenty of things to admire about Kennedy, not the least of which was his firm anti-communism.
"How anyone can say that they feel certain McSame and HRC could be "strong" in a warlike situation, but arent sure if Obama could, baffles me …"
And from the fact that it baffles you we are supposed to conclude that no rational person could believe such a thing, yes? Pardon me, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that your being baffled by an idea proves very little about the idea itself.
(That's a remark, by the way, I most certainly condemn, as if anyone cared.)
"and condemn that statement by me? but not condemn blogs like her and others where they try to say Obamas middle name as much as possible? And try to say he isnt an American, he is also a muslim, oh yeah, with terrorist ties...LOL"
Oh, someone does care! As for your request, I am happy to condemn some other things as well. Shall I start with the sacking of Rome or do I need to go back further? But if you wish me to condemn puma4palin, I'm afraid I must decline. I am thankful for her blog, & if anything, I feel I owe her an apology for the way her blog comments are being used.
"the American way of life. …"
includes rational discourse, chris. This means that we work with the presumption that people of differing opinions do so for some reason. We ought not to declare someone irrational or malicious (let's call this "beyond the pale") simply because they disagree with us. If we want to say that certain positions are beyond the pale, this requires some argument. It isn't the same thing as arguing for a position (ie that Obama is the best candidate).
Now, the position you are arguing for is that support for Hillary 1st, McCain 2nd is not only wrong but beyond the pale, right? Now how, aside from your being baffled, do you go about arguing that?
1. You assert that how the US deals with North Korea "doesn't even matter." Or were you being broader than this, suggesting that international politics generally — the sort of thing that leads to or avoids military wars — don't matter? Was this Obama's position? Hillary's? I can't recall. Well, I'm sure it was somebody's, right?
2. You make the point that the "biggest" threat to the American way of life is not a military war. I suppose it would baffle you to hear someone (like me, for instance) say that he thinks how we handle war is important enough that it doesn't matter whether it is the biggest threat or not. Of course, I would have to provide evidence that wars can have some sort of effect on the American way of life, wouldn't I? Perhaps I had better study up on my arithmetic.
Ah, now see? If you had only said so earlier, all this might have been avoided. Oh, but period's do come at the end, don't they. Rather hard to say it earlier. Perhaps you should simply preface your posts with this handy phrase: "Thus says the Lord." That way, we can avoid confusion from the beginning.
I am starting to wonder if this site is even for real? Could it be a conservative person masquerading... so as to try to sway democrats away from the correct party?
I seriously doubt ANY person, no matter how mad their candidate did not secure the nomination would so easily switch parties... not a democrat... not a true democrat... no way.
Ted... or Tom... is this really YOUR site?
I am extremely disappointed in you "PUMAs." You're always complaining about how the primaries were stolen from HC and everybody in the world is against her. Everybody in the world is against you and you're the victim. However, he are the facts. This is a democracy and you lost. Get use to it. Protest votes make a mockery of our democracy and if you are willing to give up your principles (of course you'll mask this with the bs argument that BO doesn't have the experience) and vote for Mac, fine, but don't complain when goes against everything in which you believe.
no Matthew.....the problem is that other than the most ridiculous piece of pandering ever (gas tax holiday)...HRC and McSame agree on NOTHING...while HRC and Obama, agree on 90% of the issues...including the Iraq war and the War on terror.
and to the last two commentors....I agree, I is becoming increasingly evident that PUMAs are a little Karl Rove experiment in induced defection
Whatever? Keep dreaming. Americans don't care about Alaska down south, they just either want to promote mercantilism to the US or lock up everything so we can't even hunt on our lands. Americans barely know what ANWR is let alone who Sarah Plain is. Keep dreaming big Alaskans!
You do realize that most of us are aware of the high likelihood that you are a sock puppet, no?
Hillary and Barack had a lot of the same stances on the issues. Which are night and day compared to McCain. So to say that you are going to vote for McCain after being an avid HRC supporter is proof that you are just a woman scorned. And Puma if you would pay attention to the issues, not just what Fox News tells you, you would see that Obama has kept the same stance on them. Course if that is what is most important, you should look up McCain's voting stance on the "Bush Tax Cuts", which he was against in 2001 and 2003. Miraculously in 2008, when he needs corporate donations for his campaign, he wants to make them permanant. Course there is the argument of what has the GOP done for women in the last 100 years? Not a very long list. You will vote McCain because he "might" choose Palin? Glad to see that in reality it was about the person and not the issues.
So. . . is this really just about a woman being in the White House? If not Hillary, then Gov Palin? It's no wonder the Republicans win. The Democrats are too busy defeating themselves. I can't understand how anyone who supports women's rights and encourages women's movement forward would vote for McCain. Won't he set the "women's movement" back at least a quarter century?
I agree with you Ted :)
And as far as Hilary being robbed.. I agree. She is clearly more qualified for President of the United States... Not that I would vote for her.. but let the truth be know Obama is nothing but a staged mouth piece for Hollywood sickos that want to rule the world with gay rights and anti God votes to clog up our already pledged justice system!! Spread the word that Barack is not what the US needs.
Hillary certainly better than Biden
May I just point out that abortion rights have to be real before they make sense? The American Psych Association just came out with a study that said "only" 1% of women reported being coerced into an abortion by boyfriend, parent, etc. In 1996, in the US alone, that would be 13,700 women! Many women are not told all their options, and when they are upset about it later, they are told it was their right, shut up and move on, not hey, maybe there's a problem here. I don't think Pro-Choice folks speak for women at all. Certainly not all women. If they did, they'd listen to the women who've been hurt by abortion, and not just spout off about it and follow their friends. Read a little more. If the heart is beating and the brain is working, what's the difference inside or outside the womb? And what about women who are told it's their "right" and not really given any other "choice"?
I've been at protests, and I will tell you, the yelling and put downs come from the Planned Parenthood side of the street. Us pro-lifers have learned to stand silent, or the press says we were mean. It's really not fair. What if your girls turn pro-life on you? Really think for a minute about "choice". Most women who go to PP are given one choice: abortion.
We're toasting Governor Palin and looking forward to voting with PUMAs for the iconoclastic McCain-Palin ticket in November.
i am voting palin!!!!!!!!!!!!
she is all i loved about hillary and more...she is an awesome woman as hillary is, i wouldnt be surprised to find even secretly hillary wishes she could drop the pretend support for obama...and vote for palin as a sign to the anti-woman bigots that railroaded obama in office..besides palin isnt scary like michelle obama..she sneers at hillary and looks down at the masses..with distain..i can't get behind michelle period! she is not like us/...
I'm so excited about Sarah Palin!
I'm not a hillary fan at all but WOW did she get screwed! Dems planted Obama as their seed (the token Black guy!) with NO intention of allowing hillary anywhere near the Presidency! I think she was reated unfair and now she is FORCED to support Obama so that she has a chance to run in 2012.
This whole Obama thing is such a freakin joke!
I am new to this site and enjoy a good debate. However, I may say the K your points have all been lost once you resort to using profanity. As an English teacher, I remind my students daily that profane language shows a lack of preperation and ideas. As for my ideas as a Hillary supporter, I always find it important to voe for a person not a party. I found this site by searching the issues and informing myself. If we continue to simply jump on band wagons and support parties blindly we end up with people in control that we do not want or trust. We need to open our minds and really think about things, if you still agree with the canidate then vote for them, if not do not agonize over what party the person you do agree with is a member of.
Michelle Obama scares me, she said that Hillary would NEVER be the VP pick for Obama and guess what happened? Obama made a big mistake in not putting Hillary on the ticket.
Palin is no Hillary but if you take the time to look at her accomplishments, you will come to know an outstanding woman.
With the Congress at a whopping 17% approval rating, the country is ready for a breath of fresh air, and Palin is that breath. She is a Reformer and has taken on the corruption in Alaska and put the people first. She took on big oil and gave a $1,200 rebate check back to the people of Alaska to help with the rising gas prices. She said no thanks to the $398 million for the bridge to nowhere earmark. Governor Palin is the real deal and a rare gem in todays politics.
I'm sick of corruption in our Politicians, waste of the tax payer's money and we don't have to take it anymore. McCain and Palin will REFORM Washington.
Obama talks a good talk but McCain and Palin walk the walk and have both put country first before party.
Sarah Palin has changed the game. She has brought back the maverick in the Mc Cain campaign. On experience lets compare the number three person in line for the Presidency Nancy Pelosi to Sarah Palin. Both of them have been in their current jobs for the same time. Nancy as the Speaker of the House verses Sarah as the Governor of the largest state of the Union. Sarah has challenged big oil and given the people of Alaska the benefit of it. She saved the American tax payer by saying “no thanks” to the bridge to no where and the pork spending it represented. She has brought on a new proposal and funded it for natural gas line pipe line which is a first step to energy independence from Middle Eastern oil. Her family puts there personal conviction of serving country with military service. She has been to the war zone on terror first hand. Wow so what has Nancy Pelosi done? Zero no new drilling no new ideas no votes of changing any thing. A lot of Bush bashing talk and oh she has had a nice vacation while the American citizens are waiting for the congress to do something. Real Change is doing something. Sarah Palin said it right. A ship in the harbor is safe, but it is not what a ship was built to do. Politics is the same. We need leaders who cast votes for change not ones who say present in the harbor.
I am so excited to see Sarah Palin as a vice presidential candidate. I believe a vote for her is a vote for change and my hope in America is re-energized with the prospect of her being in the White House. You go girl!!
By Geraldine Ferraro
Former Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate/FOX News Political Contributor
It’s going to be a very interesting campaign. I must say that several months ago I said that it would be great if there was a woman on the ticket — that I felt that John McCain would have to pick someone, especially if Hillary was the nominee. But without Hillary being the nominee it’s really quite equally as important because people are looking for a smart campaign and I think this might do it.
There are a lot of women who are disaffected by how Hillary was treated by the media, by how she was treated by the Obama campaign, by how she was treated by the Democratic National Committee — [Democratic party chairman] Howard Dean not speaking up when sexism raised its ugly head in the media. They’ll be looking to see what happens now.
Love the PUMA concept. Dismayed by KMcK's dumbing down the valid discourse of American politics by saying Republicans lack principles. Ridiculous. When someone's principles and judgment differ from your own, you have an opportunity to embrace diversity...but it appears you are in love with your own perspective and prefer to keep your mind closed. So much for intellectual integrity.
I'm an independent voting registered Dem, and what I find scary is that in the past few years this kind of dumb talk has become the standard. If it continues for much longer, then I'll have to declare that sane political discourse is dead.
This season, I am paying proper attention to the Obama ticket and the McCain ticket and I don't believe either is unprincipled. The principles happen to be very different. I plan to be open about what they stand for and which will be better for America. And then cast my vote.
It is unfortunate that we tend to see politics as either republican or democratic. If this is how you like to vote, then Sarah Palin is not the candidate for you.
I supported Governor Palin's opponent when she ran and was elected Alaska's governor. Today, I am very pleased that Governor Palin was elected. She is "not more of the same" and has moved mountains in Alaska over the past two and a half years.
Governor Palin has an 80% approval rating for good reason. She is liked by a very broad and diverse population base. She does the job that she was elected to do and takes her role as a public servant seriously. She doesn't play the party line game and isn't going to sale Alaska out.
I have read many postings written in response to Sarah Palin being McCain's pick for the VP position. It is amazing how many people think that they have her pegged when they don't have a clue. Look at Alaska's laws regarding those issues that often separate republicans and democrats. The laws, in my opinion, are fairly liberal. Still, Governor Palin isn't out introducing legislation to ban abortion, prohibit gay and lesbian couples from adopting, stop sex education in schools, or suggesting that Alaska institute the death penalty.
Why? Because she is doing the job that the people of Alaska elected her to do.
I believe that McCain will win for the same reasons Bush was elected twice. By the time PUMA's realize how wrong McCain and Palen really are for our country and how quickly they will rush us into war with other countries if they don't get their way immediately, the damage will have been done. A lot of damage can be done in one term, and I don't know how any intact thinking person can't see that McCain is not well. He has not denied his reputation of having a bad temper, and when the Georgian/Russian thing kicked off, I was glad McCain wasn't president. He sounded like he was ready to go to war right then. Putan said of McCain's comments something to the effect of "You just wait" also accusing Bush of posturing to help out his future successor. Google it. Think bigger than yourselves, PUMA's. McCain WILL lead us to wars deadlier than Iraq. North Korea is building up its nuclear weapons again. Google it. How do you think McCain would handle any nonsense with a country with the name Korea in it? We only have one planet. How about putting someone in office who isn't obsessed with the word "fight" and "winning." I don't believe there are any winners in a nuclear war.
Amazing to me that people come here and talk a bunch of garbage and won't put their name on the post... SO Anonymous .... what do you want to do about countries that won't abide by the rules, allow terrorist to harbor on their soil?? You think it's ok? Maybe we should have a "chat" with them and they will stop. Right? Isn't that what you think? What about the people and the families that have and will lose family members to Terrorist..You probably won't be so willing to chat with the enemy if it was loved one. I hate war as much as the next person but we have to stand our ground! And the military IS NOT drafting so those Heros that are over there in Iraq are there because they love their country and they are willing to die for us... God Bless the Soldiers in Iraq.
after the way the democratic party has treated clinton. i refuse to vote with the with gov. palin i am confident that the little people of america now truely have someone in their corner. as far as hilary goes if she stays part of the democratic party after all this i will never vote for her.I wish she would just stand up to them and become an independent. wouldn't happen to maybe be a racist or anything would you???
The McCain, Palin ticket needs our support and unity, as a former Marine, when i had first listened to govener Palins speech when Senator McCain first introduced her i had a tear in my eye, and pride in my heart for our country once again, when Senator Obama went to Europe and didnt visit with any of our troops overseas i had felt saddened for the direction our country would be going if he would become the next president of the United States, i say Semper Fi and God speed to the McCain , Palin ticket
Hey "Anonymous" (why no name?) no one here is placing the race card... I'm not sure what you are referring too.
A former semi-PUMA. I was on the fence but Palin has shown me that she is not the person I want representing me, or my family. I agree that Obama is not Clinton but I just cannot vote for McCain at this point. She is simply too much unlike H. Clinton, I just can't do it. Sorry McCain.
You can't vote for a hard working woman with Morals?? That's sad...You'd rather vote for a man that is friends with Terrorists and using his small percentage of African blood in his body for political gain? And not to mention his Friend the reverend that thinks white people are the "skunk of the earth"... ?????????
Anonymous of Sept 18, 3:13PM:
I want to thank you for your (apparent) thoughtfulness on this matter. Of course, I don't know the reasons for your decision, but it is a sort of breath of fresh air to hear an opponent of Palin who has not come to the conclusion that the appropriate response to her is hatred.
We need more folks like you (seem to be), or we won't be able to come together after the election.
I'm a little confused.
Let me see if I have this straight...
If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're 'exotic, different.'
Grow up in Alaska killing and eating moose, you're a quintessential American story.
If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
But if you name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.
Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.
If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that
registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with fewer than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive (and according to the actuarial tables, you have a greater than 30% chance of succeeding the president during your first term).
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, left your severely handicapped wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only while your un-wed teen daughter
ends up pregnant, you're very responsible.
If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family values don't represent America's.
If your husband is nicknamed 'First Dude', with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.
OK, much clearer now!
Whew!!! .......I was worried there for a minute.
I think that CNN has clouded your mind with their garbage! You should be confused..!!
First of all.. What the hell is a community organizer?? That question has yet to be answered...and then the brilliant part is really questionable since we don't know what the heck he organized... Sounds like all he did was picket, boycott.. ect.. Any dumb ass can do those things.. Look at the "shame on..." signs that are held by the morons that can't flip burgers!
Lots of people graduate from Harvard... and he has only been a senator since Nov 2004 and then only after 2 years he announced that he was running for President.
John McCain was a POW for 5 years!!! He was tortured so bad that he can't hardly even move... then Obama makes fun of him for not being able to reach the keyboard on the computer?? John McCain has fought for this Nation and our Freedom...including Obama's! While McCain was being tortured Obama was "community organizing" and giving speaches with his friends.... William Aires that ADMITS he didn't do enough even after BOMBING American soil and killing Americans!! Oh and don't forget the 20 years he sat listening to hate filled sermons of Rev. Wright..and his insistence for Black Power!
And as far as Sarah Palin.. It's so sad that the only thing you can slam her with is that her ENGAGED 17 year daughter is pregnant, her children have unique names and that the MEDIA is referring to her husband as "the first dude" ....
Forgive me if this is posting more than once.
• A community organizer is someone who goes around to folks in the neighborhood and convinces them that they have a common grievance (and perhaps they do), and helps them get organized enough to take some political action. While a community organizer, Barack Obama managed to get some asbestos taken out of some place and maybe accomplished something else of comparable significance. He basically stopped being a community organizer, because he became convinced he couldn't really make enough of an impact that way.
• It's true that "lots of people graduate from Harvard," but it's also peculiar to make this in an argument against Senator Obama. It says something positive about the senator that he attended Harvard. But at best, it is a modest positive. It means he's very bright, basically, and willing to work hard. These are very very modest positives for assessing leadership capability. I can sort of see the logic behind the idea that Governor Palin's having attended several different colleges is a sign of something negative, but in all honesty, I cannot understand why anyone would care about this unless he already had a negative view of the governor.
• The 2008 budget for Alaska's state government was something like $2.3 Billion (somewhere else I heard a figure of around 11 Billion, which is a remarkable disparity, but it's not less than 2 Billion). A Senate office has a budget of something like $4 Million. Aside from this, the only sizeable budget Barack Obama has had to deal with is his presidential campaign, and he hasn't demonstrated real restraint there.
• Palin has a record of standing up to corruption in her own party, and has made some enemies along the way, despite winning an approval rating of over 80% of Alaska's people. Barack Obama has never demonstrated anything like this kind of courage. He votes with his party 97% of the time that he votes. That makes him more loyal to his party than Harry Reid.
(Incidentally, the figure given for McCain that he votes with President Bush 90% of the time a) is only true of 2007, since it has been significantly less in other years and b) only applies to about 40% of the votes he casts, since President Bush doesn't express an opinion on every piece of legislation)
• Governor Palin supports both sex education and birth control. She believes (from what I know) that Jesus' instruction about abstinence until marriage is an ideal, and she is quite aware of the fact that not everyone lives up to that ideal.
• I'm surprised that you think the things you cite about the first dude are troubling. They don't bother me a bit.
• I'm not a fan of Michelle Obama because she sounds like the academic left that I've grown familiar with over the last five years. It's so radically opposite my view that it's only natural for me (and people like me) to find it troubling. I don't think it's particularly admirable that she turned down the law firm job in favor of political activism, but that's 'cause I'm more skeptical of political activism than I am of lawyers. But if I were left-wing like my academic friends, I would probably see it as a plus for her.
Binksmommy, the media are referring to Mr Palin as the first dude, because that's what Sarah has called him. I was at a Palin rally the other day, and they introduced him that way. There's plenty of media bias, but that ain't part of it.
Hello fellow Americans, ladies and gentleman, it seems alot has happened the last couple of days. I am angered by the media of the treating of Governer Palin sure she is not a long term veteran of American Politics, albeit though she is a veteran of raising a family , bearing children, feeding children, i could go on forever. There needs to be some change in our Governing principles and if having a man like Senator Obama as our next president it will never happen. Our country has lost what it once was when former President Reagen was in office, no matter what happens we will all pay taxes, we will always have a government and we will always have dissagrements but by damn look back and remember what it was that gave us all this freedom, look how the world is looking down on us we are supposed to be the greatest country in the world, are we still?.......lets vote and put in office who will defend our voices our families and our values and Senator McCain and Governer Palin will do and achieve all of those things, you never hear about Senator Obama getting up early and raising a family do you?......
Well, looks like I'm a little late to join the party :-) But I saw some of the stuff said on here and had to weigh in.
I'm a life-long Alaska man on the gray side of 50 and I'm pretty familiar with the real Sarah Palin. But I don't recognize her at all in the caricatures that the mainstream media has painted of her.
I'm not a Republican. I'm pro-choice. And I think evolution does quite well without divine guidance. So ... Governor Palin and I disagree on some basic fundamental issues. And yet ...
She is such a tremendous person and asset to this country I would pick her for *President* over *any* of the candidates running for POTUS or Veep. If elected, of course I hope McCain doesn't die in office. But if he did ... I am perfectly comfortable that Sarah could step in and handle the job at least as well.
She's been a Governor! And a truly remarkable one. That means the buck stops with her. She was in charge of an administration. The other candidates are Senators ... they have "opinions" and a vote that they can change at will ["Well, I voted for that before I voted against it."] Governors and Presidents don't have that "committee mentality". I'm burning up too much of your blog. But it amazes me how little people know about Governor Palin and how much of what they think they know is so totally wrong.
How many of you know, or would ever have guessed, for instance, that she has a higher security clearance than *either* Obama or Biden ... and did so long before she was selected as VP candidate? I could yammer for a long time. It truly irritates me what the punditocracy has done to tear down our Governor. I don't have room here, but I've got lots more information ... (which can also be used as ammunition if you are "discussing" her with someone who doesn't "get it"). If you want to know about Sarah Palin from a real Alaskan who hasn't been hand-picked by the media and whose comments haven't been censored by them, drop on by. I'll put the coffee on.
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